Rohde & Schwarz - France

INVITATION – Séminaire Mobile Network Testing gratuit

Test & Mesure dans des réseaux de radiocommunications mobiles

INVITATION – Séminaire Mobile Network Testing gratuit
Cher Client,

Leader reconnu en Test & Mesure, Rohde & Schwarz est heureux de vous inviter à participer à un séminaire gratuit dans le domaine des outils de planification, de déploiement et d’optimisation des réseaux de radiocommunications mobiles qui se tiendra :

Jeudi 15 mars 2018, de 9h00 à 17h00, à l’hôtel Mercure de Vélizy-Villacoublay (78)

Lors de cette journée, vous assisterez à un programme de conférences centré sur les mesures clefs nécessaires pour analyser et optimiser la performance des réseaux afin de garantir la bonne satisfaction des usagers. Les présentations théoriques seront illustrées par de nombreuses démonstrations lors de nos ateliers techniques où vous aurez l’opportunité d’échanger avec nos experts.

Vous découvrirez nos dernières innovations en termes d’équipements de test et mesure pour relever les nouveaux défis associés aux dernières technologies telles que le MIMO 4x4 et le NB-IoT ainsi que la 5G avec les nouvelles techniques de transmission comme le « beamforming ». Nous présenterons également nos solutions de test pour le déploiement de services tels que le Voice Over LTE (VoLTE).

Enfin, dans l’exploitation d’un réseau de radiocommunications mobiles, des brouillages imprévisibles peuvent se produire. Il s’agit de les identifier et de les éliminer le plus rapidement possible. À cet effet, venez découvrir nos derniers outils de surveillance et de recherche d’interférences mobiles.

Ne manquez pas cet événement, inscrivez-vous dès maintenant par e-mail, en cliquant ici ou via le QR Code :

INVITATION – Séminaire Mobile Network Testing gratuit

Un certificat de présence vous sera remis sur simple demande.


L‘équipe Rohde & Schwarz France


MNT Forum

9:00 Welcome & Registration

9:30 How to ensure voice quality in the field? Benchmarking performance of VoLTE vs VoWiFi and WhatsApp OTT, and understand the impact of introduction of EVS codecs.

In this session, you will get insight into the technical background of VoLTE (based on IMS) and comprehensive information of how to measure voice quality in live networks. The session will also covers issues affecting audio quality, such as radio conditions and IP impairments (e.g. jitter or audio delay) with case studies comparing VoLTE quality with legacy voice, VoWiFi and WhatsApp OTT and a results on EVS codecs usage.

10:30 Coffee Break

10:45 How to make smart decisions with SmartMonitor / SmartBenchmarker tools to ensure the network performance?

Service quality monitoring delivers detailed metrics on network performance in real time, provides immediate visibility of network failures, and can trigger alarms when a critical situation arises. A reliable alarming interface is crucial for drive testing, even more so when network engineers control a large drive test fleet remotely from the office, for example when benchmarking mobile networks with Smart Benchmarker.

11:15 Understand the data and get huge operational efficiency gain in optimizing networks (SmartReports /SmartAnalytics)

Smart way to evaluate your monitoring and drive test data. Web based solution allows you to share your view and insights with interactive dashboards within anyone in your organization or externals.

12:00 Lunch Break

13:30 Understand the impact of new technologies 4x4 MIMO, NB-IoT, 5G in terms of network testing

MIMO technologies are an essential component of state-of-the-art mobile radio systems and are key to achieving extremely ambitious capacity goals. NB-IoT is a standard add-on to LTE, but completely a new coverage challenge. Networks for IoT applications need optimization for highest availability (deep door penetration) and lowest battery consumption. With first 5G network deployments, higher frequency ranges, higher bandwidth, and complexity (for example, beamforming) will give a new coverage challenge as well. Testing its performance in the field will be critical to allow the progression of the technology.

14:15 PIM testing: How to increase the spectral efficiency of your network?

When it comes to PIM testing, the necessary steps to identify passive intermodulation (PIM) and locate its source are similar to interference hunting. In the end, PIM is an internal source of interference and can have a significant impact on network performance

15:00 Coffee Break

15:15 Interference Hunting: Which tool for successful field service operations?

The need for interference hunting in mobile networks is steadily increasing. For successful field service operations, it is necessary to use the most suitable tool that field engineers are easy to locate the source of interference. With decades of expertise, what we can say for sure is that it depends on that source. This session will let know which tool we would recommend to be successful in the field.

16:00 Site Report Acceptance Test tools in your hand

Results should be readily available in order to optimize the duration of the acceptance procedure and allow quick improvement actions. This session will give the opportunity to your technicians to report easily the correct operation of your installation.
INVITATION – Séminaire Mobile Network Testing gratuit

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